LISTEN LIVE! NOW: And She Was - Talking Heads NEXT: I'm A Believer - Tin Huey September 9, 2010 KSDP Meeting Minutes - 830 AM KSDP – Sand Point, AK

September 9, 2010 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Jim Brown called the meeting to order on Thursday, September 9, 2010 at 7:20 p.m.  The Board meeting took place at the station at the Sand Point City Building.

  1. Roll call

Jim called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Jim Brown – President; Marta Varga – Vice-President; Austin Roof – Secretary / Treasurer; Mary Olsen – Board member


Board members excused: Jack Foster, Jr. – Board member


KSDP staff present: Kells Hetherington – General Manager; Katherine Ford – Music Director; Shannon Sommer – Administrative Assistant


General public present: Gavin Carlson

  1. Approval of Agenda

Austin Roof made a motion to approve the agenda.  Mary Olsen seconded the motion.  The motion passed.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

Marta Varga made a motion to approve the minutes as written.  Jim seconded the motion.  The motion passed.


  1. General Manager’s Report

Kells Hetherington reported the Corporation for Public Broadcasting approved the station’s rural bonus grant; the amount of the award is twenty five thousand dollars.


The station received a check from Alaska Public Broadcasting, the Alaska Capital Grant Round Five Program in the amount of twenty thousand dollars for certain capital improvements.


Ben Bryce, the station’s Merrill Lynch account representative answered questions asked by the Board.  The Board was agreeable to stay with Merrill Lynch as the station’s bank.


Kells has been in contact with Chuck Lakaytis, Gray Hartig, Nolan Brothers and Frigid North Company about working on the King Cove FM translator and the Sand Point AM ground system.  Chuck Lakaytis is working with Gray Hartig on the new location for the FM translator license in King Cove.  Kells and Frigid North have been working on an equipment list needed for both projects.  He also spoke with Nolan Brothers about traveling to King Cove and Sand Point to assist Chuck with both projects.  The first project to be completed will be in ground system in Sand Point, then the FM translator in King Cove.  All are working on equipment shipped from Seattle on Coastal Transportation.  All expenses will be paid for by the State Capital grant.


Kells is currently working one Round Six Alaska Capital Grant Program for renovations to the studio which include:  a ventilation system, new studio window, new exterior windows, new carpeting for the radio station’s office, and to install a RPU system.  Kells is also preparing a grant application to the Federal Telecommunications Facilities Program which is due early 2011.  The grant is for requesting funding to improve the tower access road and to raise the height of the radio station tower.


In early November, Catharine Persinger with Foraker Group will be her to work with Shannon Sommer and me with QuickBooks and financial training.


Kells has been working with Austin Roof about a wireless hotspot on the radio stations tower.  He asked the Board for their permission.  It would be separate from the radio station and would provide high speed internet access through HughesNet systems.


New tower light was ordered.  The radio station will bring Nolan Brothers to Sand Point to replace the top beacon and a sidelight.


The Internal Revenue Service contacted the station about a debt from a late filing of a 941 in early 2006.  The Government identified the station owing the amount of five thousand dollars after the radio station started receiving payments from NOAA through Central Contractor Registry.  The station is in the process of responding to the IRS through the Taxpayer Advocate Service.  The IRS also waived a seven thousand dollars made through Taxpayer Advocate Service.


  1. Old Business

a)      King Cove translator and Sand Point ground system project budget & timeline were reviewed.

b)      The radio station is staying with Merrill Lynch as our bank provider.


  1. New business

a)      Update of Grant applications in progress.

b)      Foraker Group financial training will begin November seventh through November eleventh.

c)      A proposed tower lease agreement.

  1. Public Comments and Discussion

Ben Bryce was on the phone with a few of the Board members, he answered the questions the Board had.  Ben answered all questions and the Board was pleased.


Jim asked if there was something in the by-laws about a Board member absent so many times to Board Meetings.  Jim also will ask Jack Foster Jr. if he is still interested in being on the Board.  Kells informed the Board, both Justin Godbehere and Louise Zeile are interested being on the Board.


The Board agreed to have Kells work with Glen Gardner, the City Mayor to apply for a grant to help with the city building’s water damage problem.


Jim suggested the station call Western Marine, here in town for gravel to help cover the tower access road.


The Board agreed, Kells write to Don Young’s office about the tax issue.


  1. Public Comments and Discussion

The Budget will be discussed at the next meeting.


  1. Adjournment

The Board will next meet on October 7, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.   Mary adjourned the meeting at 8:07 p.m.




Minutes submitted by:  Shannon Sommer, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by:  Kells Hetherington, General Manager