“An Alaskan Moment” for March 21st, 2022
Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of March 21st, 2022.
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“An Alaskan Moment”
A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.
“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer.
Sometimes twice as much.
This week in Alaska History:
March 21, 1913 – Governor Walter E. Clark approved the first act of the first Territorial Legislature, giving Alaska women the right to vote.
March 22, 1952 – Fire that started about 10:30 pm on the 21st destroyed much of downtown Wrangell.
March 23, 1933 – Governor George A. Parks signed into law the bill repealing the Alaska Bone Dry law.
March 24, 1989 – The Exxon Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef, ultimately spilling 260,000 barrels of North Slope oil.
March 25, 1927 – E. Coke Hill took office as U.S District Judge for the Third Judicial Division, headquartered at Valdez.
March 26, 1958 – The “White Alice” communication system began operation.
March 27, 1964 – At 5:36 pm the Good Friday earthquake, which registered more than 8 on the Richter scale, rocked southcentral Alaska. The quake released approximately twice the energy of the 1906 San Francisco quake. It killed 115 people in Alaska and more than a dozen others in California and Oregon.
“An Alaskan Moment” is produced at Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting in Sand Point
Music by Paul Holmberg
With help from you, the supporters of Public Radio.
Now for your poem.
Today’s poem is found in the book “Alaska ’76”. Published by Miner Publishing Company, Juneau, 1976.
“The Way”
by Odd Sundberg