“An Alaskan Moment” for November 29th, 2021
Download or Stream “An Alaskan Moment” for the week of November 29th, 2021.
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“An Alaskan Moment”
A “moment” is a measure of time… 90 seconds.
“An Alaskan Moment” lasts a little longer.
Sometimes twice as much.
This week in Alaska History:
November 29, 1930 – Operations were suspended at the copper mine at Latouche on the island of the same name.
November 30, 1895 – Peter Trimble Rowe was consecrated as the Episcopal Bishop of Alaska.
December 1, 1894 – The Yukon Order of Pioneers was organized at Fortymile on the Yukon River.
December 2, 1980 – Congress passed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, converting massive tracts across Alaska into National Parks, Wildlife Refuges, and other protective designations.
December 3, 1906 – Frank H. Waskey was seated as the first Delegate in Congress from Alaska.
December 4, 1932 – The public school building at Fairbanks was destroyed by fire.
December 5, 1905 – Roald Amundsen, the Arctic explorer, reached Eagle on the Yukon River after traveling overland from Herschel Island.
“An Alaskan Moment” is produced at Aleutian Peninsula Broadcasting in Sand Point
Music by Paul Holmberg
With help from you, the supporters of Public Radio.
Now for your poem.
Today’s poem is found on the phonograph “Centennial Collection of Alaska Poetry”, produced by the Anchorage Centennial Commission, 1967.
“Along Kachemak Bay” by Mairiis Kilcher.