LISTEN LIVE! NOW: Bedsitter - Soft Cell NEXT: Fiesta - Pogues, The August 22, 2011 KSDP Meeting Minutes - 830 AM KSDP – Sand Point, AK

August 22, 2011 KSDP Meeting Minutes

Posted on: March 13th, 2013 | Author: Alaska Political News Wire | Filed under: Minutes




  1. Call to order

Jim Brown called the meeting to order at 7:25pm on Monday, August 22, 2011 at the KSDP Radio Station.

  1. Roll call

Laura called the roll.  The following persons were present:


Board members present: Jim Brown – President; Marta Varga – Vice-President; Laura Clark – Secretary/Treasurer; Jack Foster, Jr. – Board Member; Mary Olsen – Board Member


KSDP staff present: Austin Roof – General Manager; Shalene Chebetnoy-J – Administrative Assistant


  1. Approval of Agenda

Jim asked to move Public Comments and Discussion to after the General Managers Report. Laura moved to accept agenda. Mary seconded. Motion passed.

  1. Approval of minutes from last meeting

No minutes from last meeting.


  1. General Manager’s Report

Austin gave GM Report. Mary had a few questions about King Cove project and funding.

Austin discussed two grants he is currently working on. Membership drive is still going on and elections can be held as early as next week.


  1. Public Comments and Discussion

Luke Meinert spoke on behalf of Austin. Said he believed Austin was very community oriented and a positive attribute to the station. Robert Kochuten also spoke on Austin’s behalf to be hired as General Manager, saying he was committed, enthusiastic and inspired. Dawn Kochuten was also present. Pastor Alan Ward thanked the board for allowing him time on the radio for “My Dad Rocks”. Also spoke on Austin’s behalf and encouraged board members to hire him for the GM position.



  1. Old business

Jim asked public and Administrative Assistant to vacate the room for an Executive Session. Executive Session ended. Jim made a motion to hire Austin Roof as General Manager at KSDP. Jack seconded motion. Members voted. Marta-no; Mary-no; Laura-yes; Jack-yes; Jim-yes. Motion passes. There was discussion of Austin’s salary. Jim made a motion for a salary of 52K with a 6 month reevaluation for more. Laura seconded. Members voted. Mary-no; Marta-no; Jack-yes; Jim-yes; Laura-yes. Motion passes.

  1. New Business
  2. There was discussion on programming content, specifically “My Dad Rocks”. Maybe consider putting guidelines in place for religious criteria on the radio. It was suggested that the time of “My Dad Rocks” be changed to 2-3pm on Thursdays instead of 3-4pm. Also was mentioned that there be less preaching and more music. Marta brought up the fact that the “Top of the Hour” news programming may be repeating itself. Austin suggested the news be staggered instead of at the top of every hour it be every other. Also suggested him and I work on getting our own news broadcast going. Jack asked if there was a way to get the community more involved with radio station, getting more volunteer DJ’s. There was also some discussion of talking to the teachers at the school about starting up a program for the students. Mary suggested getting a curriculum from other stations.
  3. There was a discussion of the use of the station vehicle. All board members agreed that station vehicle should be used for station purposes only.
  4. Austin showed a zero risk option for a new bank account that would increase the interest 6 times of what account we are currently holding. Asked permission to move 100K into this preferred interest account. Board agreed.


  1. Adjournment

Jim motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:01pm. Jack seconded. Motion passed.



Minutes submitted by: Shalene Chebetnoy-J, Administrative Assistant

Minutes reviewed by: Austin Roof, General Manager