Fish News – May 30, 2012

Posted on: May 31st, 2012 | Author: General Manager | Filed under: Fish News - newsletter

Reminder: WASSIP Informational

Meeting Scheduled for

10 a.m. Friday, June 1, 2012 in Sand Point

Video-conference to King Cove. Audio link to other participating Aleutians East Borough (AEB) communities:
Akutan, Cold Bay, False Pass, Nelson Lagoon

A Young Fishers Program presentation by the AEB Natural Resources Department in cooperation with the Aleutians East Borough School District (AEBSD) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G)

ADF&G is coordinating with the Western Alaska Salmon Stock Identification Project (WASSIP) signatory groups to organize informational meetings in the various fishing regions to re-introduce the WASSIP program in anticipation of reports that will be released in September 2012. WASSIP signatories include Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Aleut Corporation, Aleutians East Borough, Association of Village Council Presidents, Bering Sea Fishermen’s Association, Bristol Bay Native Association, Concerned Area M Fishermen, Kawerak, Lake and Peninsula Borough, Tanana Chiefs Conference, and Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association.

WASSIP is a comprehensive program to sample commercial and subsistence chum and sockeye salmon fisheries in coastal marine
areas of western Alaska, from 2006 through 2009. This unprecedented genetic sampling study includes salmon fisheries from Chignik Bay to Kotzebue Sound, stretching over 3,000 km of shoreline. During the four years of fishery sampling, approximately 320,000 samples were collected and some 156,000 samples will have been analyzed by the ADF&G Gene Conservation Laboratory to detail stock composition of fishery harvests.

Those who plan to attend and participate in the meeting include: Eric Volk with ADF&G, Denby Lloyd, member of the WASSIP Advisory Panel; Pat Martin, CAMF’s representative on the WASSIP AP; AEB Natural Resources Director Ernie Weiss; and AEB Fisheries Consultant Sam Cotten.

The Young Fishers Program is a collaborative effort of the AEBSD Career & Technical Education program and the AEB Natural Resources Department. Earlier this year, as part of the AEB Young Fishers program, the AEB sponsored two students and an AEBSD teacher/chaperone to attend the Alaska Sea Grant Young Fishermen’s Summit in Juneau. The Summit covered topics of interest to Alaska fishermen, including methods for participating in fisheries regulatory and legislative processes. AEBSD video and audio links to AEB communities for this informational meeting in Sand Point is a continuation of the effort to involve young fishers in the fisheries regulatory process.

Following the WASSIP informational meeting, Alaska Peninsula Salmon Fishery Manager Aaron Poetter will hold the 2012 AEB June Salmon Pre-season informational meeting, and will also be available to answer questions about the AEB/ADF&G Southeast District Mainland (SEDM) genetic salmon sampling study. Other area fisheries consultants and processing representatives have been invited and may attend the meeting. The meeting will be held in Sand Point at the AEB offices, video linked to the school in King Cove. Other site locations will be announced when determined.

For more information or contact Ernie Weiss at
WASSIP’s 4-year genetic sampling study includes chum and sockeye salmon fisheries stretching from Chignik Bay to Kotzebue.

Prices Paid to Copper River Commercial Fishermen Drop for Sockeye

According to the Cordova Times, commercial fishermen were being paid about 90 percent less for sockeye in the second opener (May 21st) compared to the first one (May 17th). During the first opener, fishermen made about $4 per pound. However, in the second opener, the Cordova Times reported that prices ranged from $2.10 to $2.25 per pound, with one processor offering $3.25. Kings
brought in about $6 during both openers.