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Sand Point Commercial Salmon Fishery Advisory Announcement #02

Posted on: May 31st, 2022 | Author: Holden | Filed under: Community Window, Fisheries News

The Alaska Department of fish and game has just released Sand Point Commercial Salmon Fishery Advisory Announcement #02.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is soliciting bids to charter purse seine fishing vessels to conduct a cost recovery fishery in the South Peninsula on or about June 8, June 9, and June 10, 2022. The request for quotation (bid) format for the 2022 cost recovery fishery will be based on a percentage of the catch value, not to exceed 30% of the value paid to the bidders at the dock on the day of the delivery. Upon delivery, the winning bidders will present their permits to the buyer and the harvest for each day will be split onto two separate payments relative to the percentages of the winning bid. The contract will be awarded to the bidder with the lowest percentage of the total value of the catch. Bids for greater than 30% of the value of the catch will be rejected. To obtain further information and bid forms contact the Kodiak Fish and Game office at 907-486-1874 or the Sand Point office at (907) 383-2066.