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PSA: Sand Point Department of Fish & Game Advisory Committee Meeting October 6th, 2021

Posted on: September 22nd, 2021 | Author: Holden | Filed under: Civic & Government, Community Window, Fisheries News, Sand Point, Welcome to Sand Point

The Sand Point AC will meet in the Sand Point City Council Chambers on Wednesday, October 6th, 2021, at 12:00pm.

The purpose of this meeting is to hold nominations and elections for all AC members, to address Board of Fisheries Agenda Change Requests, and other miscellaneous AC business as needed.

This meeting is open to the public. All voting age residents of the area who attend the meeting may make nominations and vote on committee membership.

Teleconference information is available at this link.

Find the preliminary agenda for the meeting below.
2021-10-6 Draft Agenda Sand Point AC